Monday 27 May 2013

SoZo Life Review


Is SoZo Life Just Another Super (Hyped-Up) MLM Coffee… Or Is It a Great Opportunity?

You’ve come across this review, most likely, because you’re interested in SoZo Life and its business opportunity. So kudos to you for doing your homework beforehand.  You probably want to know whether or not there is a SoZo Life scam or is it a legitimate business opportunity. This unbiased SoZo Life Review from a non-member, third party will hopefully be clarifying to you and help you decide whether or not SoZo Life is the right opportunity for you.


What is SoZo Life

SoZo life reviewSoZo Life is a health and wellness company started in 2010 that operates through a direct sales capacity. This means that instead of marketing through traditional marketing methods such as TV, magazines, online and print advertizing, they market by paying bonus to a highly motivated group of independent representatives – each in a business for themselves, but not by themselves.
The advantages of this form of marketing are great – both the company and the representative. The company gets free word of mouth advertising and only pays when they sell a product. The representative can market SoZo Life’s entire product line and make commissions on sales without hiring staff, or having to ship products or worry about payroll.  As a SoZo Life rep you can also hire a group of sales reps that you can profit from directly as well as indirectly through the teams that they build! And then build your SoZo Life business online as well!


SoZo Life Product Line

SoZo Life is marketing whole fruit coffee in three different products. In fact, everyone who harvests coffee beans simply throws the nutritious coffee fruit away. Now SoZo Life has launched the first and only CoffeeBerry’s high-ORAC (antioxidant) value in a healthy drink. Created with a patented process that preserves the nutrition of the whole coffee fruit, with all the flavor of the bean. Loaded with antioxidants and quick boost power – but without the hard jittery-high edge of coffee. Sounds too good to be true? Based on the information on the website, and the science behind the products, it’s not hard to see that SoZo Life has some very good products in their portfolio.


Let’s take a look at the SoZo Life leaders

SoZo Life was started in 2010 and is based in Henderson, Nevada. Chairman and CEO, J. Larry Cantrell, has over 22 years of network marketing experience and has also been active in the Direct Selling Association for the past 17 years. Along with Cantrell, the Co-founders of SoZo Life, Mark Adams and Bran Thayer, are also part of the corporate team. All in all it looks like they have a reputable core group of leaders that can very realistically grow the company.


 SoZo Life Business Outlook

You can become a distributor of SoZo Life by purchasing an initial product order and then maintaining a monthly auto-ship order. The actual compensation plan pays out several ways: There is an upfront income in the form of Retail Commissions, Fast Start Bonuses, Fast Start Matching Bonuses and Builder Bonuses. Then there is also back-end income with the Team Commissions, Leadership Check Matching Income, Rank Achievement Bonuses and Power Leg Bonuses. In addition, you can earn extra business centers if you cap out your position’s binary income. Overall, the SoZo Life compensation plan looks quite fair and lucrative.


 Is SoZo Life a legitimate business opportunity?

Yes. SoZo Life is a credible and solid company with an experienced CEO and corporate team, some very high quality products backed by science and a generous compensation plan. I think that there is a great future for this company. The success potential of SoZo Life is almost too easy to spot: Almost everybody loves coffee. And tell me who wouldn’t like a healthy cup of coffee every morning instead if they could! Now, can you actually make money with SoZo Life? Yes. But… and here comes the important one… WILL you make money with it? Yes, IF you have the right tools and training to market it, it is surely more than likely that you will. If you are serious about success, this is what it boils down to.
So if you would like to learn the proven science of how to successfully market online, all the exact steps that you simply NEED to know to succeed and get on that first page of Google faster than you could imagine, via a viral authority blogging platform, put the best marketers online to do the selling for you in a second stream income… and get paid 100% commission while doing so… if you are serious about success in your business, then I invite you to watch a free video that gives you a clear glimpse into how you – even without a budget – can market your online business effectively, easily – and even automated over time.


Wednesday 15 May 2013

Interested In Becoming a SoZo Distributor? Read This First!

If you've heard about SoZo Life and the CoffeeBerry you maybe considering starting your own coffee berry business opportunity.  If you're looking for more in depth information regarding not only coffeeberry product information but the coffee business opportunity tied in with it, you're in the right place!

SoZo was founded in 2009 by Mark Adams, John Constantine and Larry Cantrell.  They own the world-wide distributing rights in the direct selling industry for the coffeberry extract.  You may have seen coffeeberry skin products such as ravaleskin coffeeberry or priori coffeeberry.  They tout how there isn't another product in the world as powerful for your skin as coffeeberry and they are right!  But what the amazing coffee fruit does to your skin pales in comparison to what it will do when you drink the SoZo functional beverage!  Clinical studies prove the product gets into your bloodstream and works wonders!

All over the internet, as well as this blog you'll find countless SoZo coffeeberry reviews as well as information regarding how to start your very own coffee business opportunity.  Can you imagine having exclusive rights to selling the world's only truly healthy coffee?  No longer do you have to choke down Organo Gold coffee with mushrooms! (Why not take the mushroom in a capsule form rather than ruining the wonderful taste of coffee!?)  I invite you to to browse all the past posts on this blog and educate yourself on SoZo and the coffeeberry.  If you've ever wanted to be a part of an energy drink company or become an energy drink distributor, look no further.  If you've ever wanted to be a part of a company with solid proof of having the most nutritious drink on the planet, look no further.  You'll be hearing a lot more about Coffeeberries in the future, wouldn't you rather get involved now?

Join me at and let's build a great team together!  I created this blog to document every stitch of information regarding SoZo and the CoffeeBerry so you don't have to spend countless hours trying to figure out if SoZo is legit, is SoZo a scam?  Is SoZo a pyramid scheme?  Thank you for visiting!

SoZo Introduces new powdered Ignite featuring CoffeeBerry!

Available now!  Order you Ignite energy powder with CoffeeBerry at COFFEEBERICH

Ignite® is a fast-acting, long-lasting sugar free energy drink, formulated with essential vitamins and minerals to provide a balanced and effective source of energy. Powered by CoffeeBerry®.

Available in Blue Raspberry and Dragon Fruit!

SoZo Launches Instant Coffee Line Containing CoffeeBerry®

Move over foul tasting mushroom coffee, there's a true healthy coffee in town. Introducing SoZo Instant Coffee, the world's only healthy coffee containing the whole coffee fruit extract!

SoZo has more grounds for celebrating this year with the exciting launch of our new antioxidant-rich, single serving Instant Coffee blends, available in two ultra-rich and delicious flavors — CaffĂ© Latte and Dark Roast!
Enriched with CoffeeBerry®, each cup delivers gratifying, full-bodied premium coffee taste and is made with the finest 100% Arabica coffee beans. So drink up, and invite the coffee-lovers you know to join in!
  • Each serving of SoZo® Instant Coffee has the approximate antioxidant capacity of half a cup of blueberries, which is unlike any other instant coffee available!
  • This is the perfect product for sampling and starting a conversation about SoZo! What better way to share our Best-in-Class products and Business Opportunity than over a hot cup of quick and bold SoZo® Instant Coffee?
  • It is SoZo’s least expensive way to sample yet!
  • Receive exceptional taste, an instant energy boost, plus value-added health benefits at grandesavings in comparison to a latte or coffee beverage offered at retail price.
SoZo® Instant Coffee is available in stick packs for when you are on the go! Super easy to enjoy at home, work, school and when traveling!

The market is HOT for Instant Coffee! Get ready to sample and share!
  • Enriched with SoZo’s Exclusive CoffeeBerry®
  • Approximate antioxidant capacity of half a cup of blueberries
  • Made with 100% Arabica coffee beans for a deliciously rich and unmatched taste
  • Most satisfying and energizing way to wake up
  • Convenient and portable for an active lifestyle
  • Each CaffĂ© Latte box contains 20 single serving packets
  • Each Dark Roast box contains 30 single serving packets
  • Easy to blend; pour into 6-8 oz. of water and stir
It’s significant that SoZo® Instant Coffee makes the most consistently fantastic cup of joe!

SoZo Seeking Canada Leaders To Help Launch In Canadian Market

SoZo, the up and coming network marketing company that is setting the new Gold standard for the industry, is actively seeking quality leaders in the Canadian market.  SoZo is now in its soft-launch phase for Canada and will have a distribution center in Canada by the end of 2013. 


This is a fantastic opportunity for industry leaders in Canada to begin building their teams in preparation for the full-out launch.

SoZo has world-wide exclusive rights to the CoffeeBerry® which has been scientifically proven to contain gram to gram the highest ORAC value of any fruit ever tested.  Over 50X that of Acai berry.  They have world-class products including a healthy coffee containing the coffee fruit (a single cup contains the antioxidants of a bowl of fresh blueberries).  They also have a clinically studied, scientifically published nutritional beverage as well as an all natural energy drink line called IGNITE®.



WHO'S in CHARGE of your Day?

If you’re working for someone else, it’s not you. Think about it: how many bosses out there would leave it up to you to decide your own work schedule? Even if that schedule varied from day to day?
One more question: What would it mean to you to make your own schedule?
  • Pick your kid up from school. Or drop him off. Or both.
  • Take a vacation.
  • Spend a couple of hours having lunch.
  • Go to the gym or play a round of weekday golf.
  • Knock off early on a Friday so you can make it to, well, whatever’s kicking off your weekend.
(And you don’t even need permission.)
Being your own boss gives you the flexibility to work from anywhere you want AND call all the shots.
78% of business owners cite having control over their lives as an important reason for starting their own businesses.

The Healthiest Coffee in the World

Everyone who harvests coffee beans simply throws the coffee fruit away. Everyone, that is, except SoZo, the first and only company to capture CoffeeBerry's high-ORAC goodness in a healthy drink. Created with a patented process that preserves the nutrition of the whole coffee fruit, with all the flavor of the bean.
SoZo Select is the world's only coffee with the benefits of CoffeeBerry® whole coffee fruit. It's got a bold yet sweet taste; a full-bodied smoothness with lasting panache. Our blends are hand-selected from the finest Costa Rican and Colombian Arabica coffee beans in the world, then roasted to perfection. Rich, aromatic coffee you'll savor cup after cup.

Tuesday 14 May 2013

New Published Study Confirms Coffee Fruit Benefit


New Published Study on a Polyphenol-Rich, Coffee Fruit Extract Beverage That Lowers Inflammatory Markers in People

Nutrition Journal

MOMENCE, IL – SoZo Global, LLC and FutureCeuticals, Inc. today announced the publication of a pilotclinical study that reports SoZo’s exclusive CoffeeBerry® - based functional beverage reduces inflammatorymarkers in vivo.The SoZo® functional beverage contains a high ORAC, polyphenol-rich, proprietary formula of fruit andvegetable extracts featuring FutureCeuticals’ patented CoffeeBerry Brand Coffee Fruit technology as the staringredient.
The double-blind, placebo-controlled study—published online and in print in the latest issue of the peerreviewedNutrition Journal—compared the effects of a single dose of the SoZo beverage and a placebo onserum anti-inflammatory and antioxidant markers in the blood of 31 healthy human subjects randomized intothe two groups. At one hour after treatment, subjects in the SoZo group showed an average 40% reduction inblood levels of 8-iso-PGF-alpha (isoprostanes), a vasoconstrictor implicated in many inflammatory conditionsincluding obesity, diabetes, arthritis and cardiovascular conditions. Reduction of isoprostanes levels remainedevident for three hours following dosing. Administration of SoZo also yielded a 39% reduction in AOPP(advanced oxidation protein products), higher levels of which have been correlated with certain cardiovascularconditions.
The study authors conclude that the results justify further clinical investigations into the beneficial effectsof the SoZo beverage on human health.

For more detailed information regarding the published study visit

Introducing Sozo


SoZo is the only functional beverage that gives you CoffeeBerry®, combined with a proprietary blend of fruit and vegetable extracts, that together, offer a full spectrum of antioxidant protection for the body and mind!
So now, you don’t have to worry so much if there’s a day when you don’t eat ALL of the produce you planned on.
And you don’t have to take five or six
different supplements to make sure
your nutrition is complete.